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Racer bull mashallah dand husn ay punjab
Mashallah racer bull nika husn ay pakistan
Dera of famous Racer Bull Islamabadi Dand || MASHALLAH
Bull race 3rd time at sray harboza dand dhmaka tay dand kotia
Bull race 5th time at sray harboza dand husn e pakistan tay fakhray pakistan
Bull Race /Aya dand daba
Bull race aya dand husn e pakistan tay dand bijli
Bull race 2nd time at bhadana haji m hussin mrhom adra
Bull race/ 1st time at bewal dand husn kashmir 1st time at bewal
Beautifull Racer bull of pakistan Dand Daba baghoryia
Big black racer beauty|| MASHALLAH || dand 6 || location taliya girja village
Bull race at badhana kalan dand 121 grnait fakhray baghoor